1st International Week On “Social Education Challenges In Contemporary Societies”.

1st International Week On “Social Education Challenges In Contemporary Societies”.

Viewed: 1233 times
Recording date: 29/04/2014

17st-22st March 2014, Faculty of Social Sciences, laboratorio, lab

The Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pablo de Olavide University has organized the 1st International Week on Social Education Challenges in Contemporary Societies with the collaboration of associations, national and international companies and universities from different countries (mainly from EU). The students have had the opportunity, from March 17 to March 22, to take free classes in English or French. We dealt with topics as mobility, internships/placements, own title and double titles.

Series: New
María José del Pino Espejo
Clara Pascual
Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

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1st International Week On “Social Education Challenges In Contemporary Societies”.
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