Programa 5/2023. Itinerario del autoestopista imperial 'Cercadilla'

Programa 5/2023. Itinerario del autoestopista imperial 'Cercadilla'

Visto: 24 veces
Fecha de grabación: 04/10/2023

In the radio program of the Imperial Hitchhiker Itinerary presented by Cristina Andujar Martin, Manuel Blanca Rodriguez, Blanca Rodriguez, Laura Escobar Luque, Natalia Martinez Roda & Eva Mateo Rubio, students of the Faculty of Humanities, will talk about the imperial palace built by Maximianus Herculeus in Cordoba. The students review the history and archaeology of the building in which they tell us many key aspects that define the palace, in addition to telling us about the circumstances of its discovery.

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