The Écija case study. Agencia de Mediο Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia, AMA-REDIAM

The Écija case study. Agencia de Mediο Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia, AMA-REDIAM

Viewed: 623 times
Recording date: 26/07/2017

Clint García Alibrandi (Agencia de Mediο Ambiente y Agua de Andalucia, AMA-REDIAM) introduces the role of its institution in the Flood-CBA#2 project and the main features of the Écija river case study.

Author FLOOD-CBA 2: Integrating CBA in the Development of Standards for Flood Protection
Speaker Clint García Alibrandi
Organizator Coastal Environments
Laboratorio Multimedia UPO
Publicator Flood-CBA 2 (ECHO/SUB/2015/713849/PREV32)

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