Program 5/2021 - May. Sustainable World
Program 5/2021 - May. Sustainable World
The May program is a fairytale as all we know, since after 13 months and 10 programs recorded from home, the Sustainable World team returns to the RadiOlavide studio. Ana Were is the one who takes the reins of the program and does it together (and this is true!!) with María José Molina and Luis Villagarcía. I know that sounds like a joke. They are also accompanied by Palina Lokaziouk and Juan Ramón Senín, protagonists of the interview, who have represented the UPO at the Forum for the Future of the European Union.
In this program we add a few years to the protagonists of the Climate Change in Recreation section, and we go from school to institute, to find out the perception that the adolescent population has about climate change. We will also listen to Claudia from PiensaUPO who shares with us an artistic activity that they have carried out on campus. In May, the section Everything you wanted to know about plants and you are afraid to ask about, in which Paco tells us about bamboo. In the self-interview, Javier Pérez Gordillo will talk to us about the management of invasive species. In the What happened to him section, Isa Martín will tell us about his career since he finished his degree. And Marcos López brings us his interesting section on the Iberian Lynx.