Program 4/2022 - April. Sustainable World.
Program 4/2022 - April. Sustainable World.
The April program is coordinated by Luis Villagarcía, who together with Ana Were and María José Molina will present the program, although they will not be the only voices. In this installment we will have Marina Gómez Godoy from La Plasita, the protagonist of the program's interview. Marina will tell us about the projects they are carrying out, among them, the Feeding Cities project.
In our usual sections, the girls from PiensaUPO will share with us the actions and projects they plan it for the next months; In the Moira Zellner self-interview, she will tell us about her career and her lines of research. In the ´´What happened´´ section, José Antonio Cortez will reveal to us what does he do living in Galicia now and in the ´´Being Efficient´´ section, we will learn about the photovoltaic installations project at the UPO.
As always, we will have the participation of a young collaborator who will tell us what climate change means to him in the Climate change at the school.