Serie: New

12 May 2015

1. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

SIGMA Consultants Ltd., Greece
Duration: 6' 35''  |  Viewed: 1250 times
Speaker: Lefteris Karagiannidis
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

2. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

University Pablo de Olavide (UPO) , Spain
Duration: 5' 25''  |  Viewed: 1213 times
Speaker: Fátima Navas Concha
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

3. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC) Middlesex University, London
Duration: 6' 09''  |  Viewed: 1614 times
Speaker: Prof. Edmung Penning-Rowsell
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

4. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

Maritime Institute in Gdánsk, Poland
Duration: 8' 34''  |  Viewed: 1016 times
Speaker: Urszula Kowalczyk
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

5. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

University Santiago de Compostela (USC), ECO-IURIS Research Group, Spain
Duration: 5' 17''  |  Viewed: 1100 times
Speaker: María Loureiro
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO

6. EcosHAZ Project ("Economics of Prevention Measures Addressing Coastal Hazards")

Cutgana Research Center, Italy
Duration: 4' 58''  |  Viewed: 984 times
Speaker: Prof. Giovanni Signorello
Postproduction: Laboratorio Multimedia UPO
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